The Goal of Work Conditioning If your work includes a lot of physical labor or effort, particularly heavy lifting or similar activities, you'll discover pretty quickly that you lose some of your strength and physical endurance as you recover from an injury. If you try to return to work without … [Read more...]
Impairment Ratings—An Overview
What Is an Impairment Rating? | When Do You Need One? | How Are They Determined? When you suffer a work-related injury, you have the right to seek benefits for both temporary and permanent disabilities. In some instances, your injuries will prevent you from ever working again, which entitles you to … [Read more...]
Workplace Injuries and Functional Capacity Examinations
Helping Determine Whether You Can Perform the Duties of Your Job When you've suffered any type of injury, whether it's on the job or not, one of your primary concerns will be the degree to which you are capable of performing the duties of your job. If the injury happened at work, you may be … [Read more...]
Impairment Ratings and Workers’ Compensation
No matter what industry you’re in, injuries are always possible. From carpal tunnel at a desk job to a construction site accident, you run the risk of suffering an injury that could greatly affect your wage-earning abilities. If you do suffer a workplace injury, know that you have recourse if your … [Read more...]