Will Life Return to How It Was Before Your Injury? When you've suffered any type of bump or blow to the head, it's common to want to know as soon as possible if and when you can get back to living your life. Can you expect a full recovery? Will you have to live your life differently as a … [Read more...]
What Are the Common Rehab Options for Treating a TBI?
Tools That Can Be Used to Help You Recover When you've suffered any type of bump or blow to the head, your first concerns are about restoring mental and physical health. In an earlier blog, we talked about pharmaceutical products that can aid your recovery, as well as some surgical procedures that … [Read more...]
Minimizing the Risk of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Strategies You Can Use in Your Daily Life According to statistics gathered by the Centers for Disease Control, approximately three million people seek treatment in an emergency room or urgent care facility every year because of some type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Most TBIs are mild injuries … [Read more...]
The Importance of Counseling After a Traumatic Brain Injury
How Working with a Counselor Can Improve Your Recovery After a TBI In the aftermath of any type of physical injury, your initial focus is typically on the ways that medicine can help you physically heal. But there's a mental/emotional component to every injury, and even more so with a traumatic … [Read more...]
The Different Types of Therapy Available to Treat a Traumatic Brain Injury
Physical Therapy | Occupational Therapy | Occupational Rehabilitation | Behavioral Therapy According to research compiled by the National Institute of Health, more than 70% of all traumatic brain injuries are considered to be mild. Furthermore, nearly three-quarters of mild TBI victims make a full … [Read more...]
Things You Can Do at Home to Help Battle Memory Loss After a TBI
Maximum Recovery Requires Skilled Medical Attention—But You Can Help When you've had any kind of bump or blow to the head, the first thing you want to do, whether you can move on your own or need attention from an emergency medical responder, is get the care you need. That may be at a hospital … [Read more...]
What Is Post-Traumatic Hydrocephalus and Is It Treatable?
The Consequences of PTH | How It Is Commonly Treated In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, it's common to develop scarring or infection in your brain. One of the side effects of that scarring or infection is interference with the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which can lead to … [Read more...]
The Roles of Sex and Gender in Traumatic Brain Injury
Are Women Biologically More Susceptible to Concussion or TBI? Are Men More Likely to Suffer a Concussion or TBI? According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, adult men are more than twice (2.22 times) as likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) than women. This would … [Read more...]
The Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Closed vs. Open Head Trauma | Diffuse Axonal Injury | Primary and Secondary Traumatic Brain Injury Your brain is an extremely delicate organ—that’s one of the reasons it’s encased in the protective cage of your skull. Nonetheless, you can still be at risk of a wide range of injuries any time you … [Read more...]
The Potential Consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury
The Changes that Can Come with Any Level of TBI Your brain is the command center for your entire body, governing not only your mental faculties, but how you physically interact with the world. The potential consequences of any bump or blow to the head can be vast and extensive. That’s why it’s … [Read more...]