How to Avoid Work-Related Traumatic Brain Injury
Studies show that a significant number of work-related injuries involve the head or brain—one report concluded that as many as one in five workplace accidents lead to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Another study found that nearly 25% of all TBIs occur on the job. Here are the most common ways that workers suffer concussions or other types of TBIs during the course of their employment:
- Slips, trips, and falls—These types of accidents can arise for many reasons. There may be debris or other materials carelessly left throughout a job site. Wet or slippery substances, such as water, ice, oil, or even food, may make conditions dangerous. Poorly maintained structures, such as stairs, steps, and ramps, can pose a significant risk. Worn carpet, broken tile, or other defective or dangerous flooring can trip up a worker.
- Falls from heights—Falls are the most common cause of workplace TBIs, accounting for more than one of every three work-related TBIs. Falls can occur from ladders, scaffolding, or other construction equipment; from upper levels on a construction project; or from stairs or steps.
- Falling objects—Workers are often at risk of being struck in the head by objects falling from above, including tools, merchandise or products, refuse or debris, construction materials, and similar items. Falling objects are common in warehouses, big-box retail stores, and industrial settings, as well as on multilevel construction projects.
Minimizing the Risk of Injury
Employers can take steps to alleviate the risk of workplace TBIs:
- Diligently keep work areas free of clutter and potentially slippery substances. Institute maintenance schedules to minimize the risk of injury from dangerous or defective steps, stairs, and flooring.
- Ensure that anyone working at a significant height has appropriate safety measures in place, such as guardrails.
- Require workers to wear hard hats in areas where there’s a risk of falling objects.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer a concussion or other type of TBI. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas, and San Antonio.