Conditions that Can Limit/Promote Improved Brain Health after a TBI
In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you want to take all the right steps to ensure full and timely recovery of all brain function and other health. You need to be careful about how you respond to a TBI, as certain factors can have a negative impact on your ability to heal.
- Your ability to give your brain the inactivity it needs to heal—Studies show that TBI and concussion patients who engage in regular cognitive activity can delay the healing process. After any type of blow or bump to the head, or if your brain has been exposed to trauma by whiplash or other violent shaking, the best thing for your brain is rest. That means avoiding anything that puts stress on your brain or forces you to engage in thought processing, problem-solving or decision-making. Stay away from screens of any kind—televisions, smartphones, desktop or laptop computers, and tablets. As relaxing as reading may be, it can also put too much of a strain on your brain after a traumatic brain injury.
- Your ability to get enough physical rest—Your brain is the control center for the rest of your body. The more you use your physical body, the more taxing it will be to your brain.
- Whether you have any pre-existing health issues, including brain injuries—As a general rule, anyone who has suffered a prior concussion or head injury can expect a potentially longer recovery period. Other pre-existing medical conditions that may interfere with full recovery from a TBI include a history of depression or mood disorders, anxiety or sleep disorders, learning disabilities, seizures and chronic pain issues.
- Your age—Studies show that older adults and children need more time to recover fully from a traumatic brain injury
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer any type of concussion, TBI or traumatic brain injury. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio.