How and Why Progressive Exercise Can Alleviate Your Discomfort
You’ve been in an accident or have a progressive medical condition that causes you pain on a daily basis, often when you engage in any type of physical activity. It may seem counterintuitive, but the best course of action may actually be to engage in more physical exercise. It’s important, though, that any progressive conditioning or fitness program be carefully managed by an experienced and knowledgeable professional, so that you get the maximum benefit and don’t simply make things worse.
How Can a Physical Exercise Regimen Help with Chronic Pain?
Studies over the past few decades strongly suggest that a well-conceived exercise program can produce a number of benefits that can potentially alleviate chronic pain:
- The right approach can help you lose and manage weight, often a source of discomfort
- Targeted exercise can strengthen the muscles around specific joints, stabilizing them and reducing friction or inflammation in those joints
- Exercise has been proven to trigger the release of endorphins into your body—hormones that cause your body to naturally produce opiate receptors that can mask or alleviate pain
- Exercise has also been shown to effectively treat some levels of depression
What Types of Exercises Are Ideal for Treating Chronic Pain?
As a general rule, the best exercises for reducing the severity of chronic pain tend to be aerobic and involve minimal impact and controlled exertion. Aerobic exercise typically involves less stress, but for longer periods of time. Examples of aerobic exercises include”
- Water-based, or aquatic, exercises, such as swimming
- Tai chi or yoga
- Walking or bicycling
Strength and flexibility exercises should only be done with light weights that can allow multiple repetitions without jerking, thrusting or using short bursts of energy.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer any type of chronic pain. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio.