What Are the Symptoms of Mild, Moderate and Severe TBIs?
With any bump of blow to the head, there’s always a risk of significant health consequences. Regardless of the force of impact, you should always seek medical attention after any head trauma. There are, however, telltale signs to help you determine the level of severity after a traumatic brain injury.
How Can You Tell If Your TBI Is Relatively Mild?
After any type of brain trauma, it’s common to experience disorientation or confusion, as well as loss of consciousness. If you black out for less than 30 minutes and your confused or disoriented state lasts less than one day (24 hours), it’s likely that you have suffered only a mild TBI. However, you should also pay attention to any post-trauma amnesia. That shouldn’t last more than 24 hours, either. Your doctor should assess you using the Glasgow Coma Scale, and your score should be 13 or above. All brain imaging should also be normal.
What Are the Indications that Your Traumatic Brain Injury Is Moderate?
If you remain in a dazed, confused or disoriented state for more than 24 hours, you may have either a moderate or a severe TBI. If your loss of consciousness is more than half an hour, but less than a day, it’s likely that your brain injury is moderate, but not severe. Any post-trauma amnesia shouldn’t be present for more than 7 days. You should test between 9 and 12 on the Glasgow Coma Scale. Furthermore, even if all other factors suggest a mild TBI, if you have an abnormal MRI or other image, you will likely be treated for a moderate traumatic brain injury.
The Symptoms of a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
The key factors that confirm a severe TBI are the Glasgow Coma Scale, how long you lose consciousness, and the length of any post-trauma amnesia. If you score below a 9 on the GCS, you will be treated for a severe traumatic brain injury. If your loss of consciousness persists for more than 24 hours, you’ve suffered a severe TBI. Likewise, if your post-trauma amnesia lasts more than a week, it’s likely you’ve suffered a severe TBI.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer any type of concussion, TBI or traumatic brain injury. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio.