The Path to Wellness After a Head Injury
When you’re involved in a collision, whether on the playing field, in a car, or on a fall down some stairs, you often feel fine after the initial shock. You may get up, dust yourself off, do a quick mental assessment, and consider yourself unscathed. That can be a dangerous response, however, to a blow to the head, as many of the symptoms may be “latent,” meaning they won’t show up for hours or even a day or two after the incident. For this reason, it’s important to seek medical attention after any significant bump to your head. A medical professional often can recognize telltale symptoms of a concussion that may not be apparent to the layperson.
Recovering from a Concussion
Most medical professionals identify three specific stages to recovery from a concussion: rest, regaining basic skills, and rebuilding strength:
- Rest— Though there can be a strong desire to return to your normal routine, you shouldn’t engage in any strenuous or vigorous activity for at least a couple of days. Studies show that being physically active in the immediate aftermath of a concussion can prolong your recovery. Physical activity can exacerbate any swelling associated with your head trauma. In fact, your brain needs minimal stimulation for 24-48 hours, so you should avoid screens of any kind, as well as loud music and other sounds. Always take guidance from an experienced medical professional as you seek to slowly work your way back into your regular routine.
- Regaining necessary skills— Depending on the severity of your concussion, you may need rehab, physical therapy, speech therapy, or other special treatment to reestablish functionality in basic tasks, such as talking and moving about on your own. Your doctor will work with you to create a plan customized to your needs.
- Rebuilding strength and endurance— Your muscles and endurance can atrophy pretty quickly if you’re not able to move about. The final phase of recovery from a concussion involves a well-constructed exercise regimen to rebuild muscle strength and tone, as well as cardio health.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who have suffered a concussion or other type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Call us
toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas, and San Antonio.