What Type of Functionality Can You Recover? How Long Will It Take?
You’ve been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury. Your first concerns are going to be about your recovery. What are your chances of returning to the life you had before your TBI? What types of functionality can you expect to get back? How long will it take you to recover?
What Are Your Chances of Fully Recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury?
That depends on the severity of your injury. Medical professionals typically categorize TBIs as:
- Mild—Typically, if you lose consciousness for 30 minutes or less, it’s considered mild
- Moderate- A TBI will be moderate if you lose consciousness for more than 30 minutes, but less than 24 hours
- Severe—You will be considered to have suffered a severe TBI if you lose consciousness for more than 24 hours
Though only about one in five people who suffer traumatic brain injury make a full recovery, the percentage is dramatically higher for victims of mild TBI. Studies show that more than half of all people who sustain a mild traumatic brain injury make a full recovery.
How Long Will It Take Me to Fully Recover?
Again, that will depend on the nature and degree of your injury. Most people who suffer a mild TBI fully recover within two to three weeks, though some can take as long as three months. Unfortunately, moderate to severe traumatic brain injury typically results in long-term or permanent changes in your quality of life, though that quality can be significantly improved with the right type of care.
What Type of Functionality Can I Expect to Recover?
If your TBI is mild, you should expect a return of all, if not most, of your physical and cognitive abilities. After a moderate traumatic brain injury, you can expect to recover most of your brain function, though you may need regular occupational or physical therapy, speech or language therapy or other psychological or social services. The extent of recovery from a severe TBI can be hard to predict because of differences in degree and type of trauma, length of time unconscious, and other factors.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer any type of concussion, TBI or traumatic brain injury. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio.