Recognizing the Warning Symptoms of a Serious Bump to the Head We all have experienced a significant bump to the head, whether in a recreational sports event, on the job, in a motor vehicle accident, or just doing something around the house. Often, you notice a big lump or maybe even a cut, but you … [Read more...]
Protecting Your Health Immediately After a Concussion
Taking the Right Steps to Minimize the Consequences of a Head Injury It may seem like just a bump to the head, but any impact involving your skull or chin can causea concussion. When you've had a blow to the head, the first 24to48 hours are extremely important, as there's always a risk of bleeding … [Read more...]
Preventing Sports-Related Concussions
What Works and What Doesn't Work There's fairly conclusive evidence now that many contact sports put players at risk of concussion injury, and it's not just at the professional level. In fact, one study found that youngsters in Pop Warner football (ages 11-15) generated as much G-force during a hit … [Read more...]
Recognizing Post-Concussion Syndrome
The Causes and Diagnosis of Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) Any time you've had a blow to the head, there's a risk of concussion. Often, there are immediate indications you've suffered a concussion—difficulty speaking, disorientation, severe headache, amnesia or confusion. In some situations, … [Read more...]